Seeing beyond the horizon
using .cam

Inspired by ImageNet, Kaggle
& Tim Berner-Lee.


Data Structure & Computers Vision
🧬 Indexing
Our vision leverages the .CAM top level domain, harnessing the power of domain names to transform the realm of computer vision. We're not just spectators; we're pioneers actively transforming data landscapes. As active architects of the digital landscape, we structure domains and subdomains to push boundaries in big data in hopes of broadening human perception. Discover our new lens on the world.


Data Sustenance - GDPR, FAB City & SDG
These concepts represent important shifts in our approach to technology and society. Prioritizing data GDPR protection ensures user privacy and security, while the FAB City promotes self-sufficiency and sustainable practices at the local level. By aligning with the UN SDG goals, emphasizes its commitment to global sustainability and social impact.
Learn More About
FAB City ->
UN Sustainable Development Goals ->


Multimodality, AR & VR
+ Blockchain?
With the Advancements in computer vision, we explore the synergy between multimodality, AR and VR. We delve into the transformative power of these technologies, exploring their potential to redefine our perception and interaction with the world.

We envision blockchain as a resource management vehicle, using tokens as a means of secure server-to-server interactions.1
Learn More About ->
API Services->

1 While the concept of rewarding users with exchangeable tokens holds appeal, we remain committed to responsible and realistic implementations. This is a working-in longterm progress implementation.

Honorable Use-Cases & Aspirations :

Why .cam?

We're a .CAM registrar that generates revenue from domain name sales. We'll reinvest this money to support developers who use .CAM domains as web data structures, keeping fees and hosting costs low. 2

Our goal is to incentivize data engineers to contribute valuable data.The .CAM extension represents our vision for structured data, with a central hub for community-driven machine learning. We facilitate access to camera-driven content (images/videos) for custom-trained models, including hard-to-obtain data.

We believe in the power of collective effort: data contributors and developers driving progress in data science, ML, & big data analysis. By leveraging cameras, we'll create a dynamic space for transformative advancements.

2 Compensations are determined on predefined criterias that are to be set in the coming developments. See the Roadmap 📍

Structure & Build using .cam

Why choose .CAM? Empower your computer vision projects with .CAM. Join a dynamic community of vision-focused innovators, enhance your online presence, and shape the future of computer vision as a data-structure engineer with .CAM
JUNE 2023

Announcement & Platform 🔔 is announced, and an active Discord Community is launched to foster engagement and collaboration among early adopters and enthusiasts.

JULY 2023, GoDaddy & Wider-Rollout 🔎

Collaboration with domain registrar GoDaddy to expand the availability and accessibility of .CAM domains. Already available on various domain registrars i.e, namecheap


Data-Structure Framework & Doc 🗂

Development of a robust ontological structured framework for the .CAM ecosystem, accompanied by comprehensive documentation and best practices. These resources aim to support data-engineers and users in effectively utilizing .CAM domains.



A proprietary platform hosting website creation for individuals that look to contribute to the data-realm. CAMTREE is to become the querying platform of community indexed data.

Knowledge is power, and organization amplifies it.

Let's Start Indexing

Ryan Baser

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor turpis, dictum a efficitur in, aliquam eget velit. Sed efficitur eget risus nec tristique.

Sam Pann

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor turpis, dictum a efficitur in, aliquam eget velit. Sed efficitur eget risus nec tristique.

John Bullin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor turpis, dictum a efficitur in, aliquam eget velit. Sed efficitur eget risus nec tristique.

Jessica Point

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor turpis, dictum a efficitur in, aliquam eget velit. Sed efficitur eget risus nec tristique.

Tommy Riks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor turpis, dictum a efficitur in, aliquam eget velit. Sed efficitur eget risus nec tristique.

Roy Hamle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor turpis, dictum a efficitur in, aliquam eget velit. Sed efficitur eget risus nec tristique.
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